John A Robb: Blog en-us (C) John A Robb (John A Robb) Thu, 13 Aug 2020 06:09:00 GMT Thu, 13 Aug 2020 06:09:00 GMT John A Robb: Blog 90 120 Fixing Faces Beyond Skin Smoothing skin smoothing exampleBeyond Skin Smoothing I have not met a person that couldn't find one part of their physical appearance that they didn't like.   For some people it is just too much to overcome and they won’t have their picture taken.  When it comes to faces we all face a daily struggle against blemishes some of us more than others.   I regularly shoot one model that has a skin condition that makes her face red and with many small growths.   She never lets that slow her down.  She is truly comfortable in her own skin.  

When taking pictures I use all my skill to produce the best picture possible.  This work continues in the post processing of my images.    Sometimes I just fix small imperfections and other times I have to work around what nature has provided.   In every case I try to provide an edited image that looks as natural as possible.  I think that makes for the best picture.   As you can see from the picture accompanying this post there is a lot that can be done in the editing process. 

Don’t let unwanted blemishes prevent you from having your picture taken.   Project your inner beauty and I’ll do the rest.  

(John A Robb) Mon, 23 Jul 2018 22:09:06 GMT
5 Tips for Getting Over Your Divorce Divorce is a life altering experience regardless of what causes the divorce.   I’ve been there, I know this first hand.  It takes time to reorient yourself.   As you are figuring out the direction to go in you are likely to be looking for things that can bring positive energy into your life.  You need to be doing something that makes YOU feel good.  

Here are 5 tips that you can use to help you recover from a divorce.

  1. Learn to appreciate the things you have in your life. In dark times it’s easy to think about the things you don’t have.  Thinking about the things you don’t have is a way of punishing yourself.   Look around you and recognize what you do have and what accomplishments you have achieved.  Many people find it hard to self evaluate their accomplishments.   If that’s you then ask a friend to help.   You might find that people not in the eye of your personal storm can give you a better perspective on your accomplishments.   They aren’t tied to the negative energy of the divorce the way you are.  Sometimes they can see you in ways you can’t see yourself.
  2. Try something new.   Every marriage has patterns.  Humans form habits easily.   Trying something new is a great way to establish something that is yours apart from your marriage and your past.   You are creating new memories.  Don’t fall back on old habits, make new ones.  Push yourself a little.   See yourself in a new light.
  3. Focus on Your Future.   One of my favourite expressions is “rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean”.   Playing the woulda, coulda, shoulda game keeps you in the past.   Look forward.   The answer to what makes you happy isn’t in the past, it’s in the present.   You are at a fork in your life, choose the path that lights the inner, best you, that you can be.
  4. Use Divorce as a Starting Point for Personal Growth.   Reboot your life.   Take your life’s lessons and start over.   Focus on the positive things you’ve learned and use those as a springboard to head in a new, more fulfilling direction.  Even if all you learned is what you don’t like use that to your advantage in a new start. 
  5. Love Yourself.   There is no substitute for loving yourself whether you are in a marriage or not.   The world just looks better when you feel better.   Sometimes you need an experience that will help you feel good about yourself making it easier to love yourself.  We are all guilty of putting too much emphasis on what we perceive as our flaws.  See the beauty that others see in you through a modern portrait that captures your best self.    There is a lot of power in seeing the best you in a tangible format.   It also gives you something to look at when you need the little extra bit of encouragement to be feel your best self.
(John A Robb) divorce self-help tips Thu, 29 Mar 2018 19:20:35 GMT
Most Important Tool Lauren From the specs of your first camera to the newest technology photographers can become gear obsessed.   While gear is important it's not the most important tool at a photographer's disposal.   Many times when I pull out my equipment the response "wow, nice camera, it must take great pictures!"  Sure my camera processes a nice image but making a photograph happens mostly between the photographer's ears.  

The photographer's experience and personality will have a bigger impact on the quality of your portrait then their equipment alone.   One night I was out taking some personal pictures when I saw someone that I thought would make a great subject for a photograph.   I approached the group that were nearby and asked if one of them would pose for me.  She agreed and we went on to make an interesting picture together.   I couldn't have made that picture without a special piece of equipment that I had with me called a PixelStick but the gear wouldn't help if I didn't have the conviction to ask a complete stranger to pose for me.  

When hiring a photographer you want one that uses the best equipment they can afford.  More important than their equipment you want a photographer that has the experience you need to get the picture you desire.  

(John A Robb) pixelstick portrait street Mon, 19 Feb 2018 07:09:34 GMT
Black and White Corporate Headshot Black and White Corporate HeadshotBlack and White Corporate HeadshotBlack and White Corporate Headshot A few months ago I did a direct mail promotion.  Time had passed since the mail out which made the email I received requesting a headshot session to be a bit of a surprise.   It would appear the card I sent was worth holding on to.   A week after being contacted we arranged a time for Chuck to visit my studio and have his portrait taken.   He had a specific look that he needed in at least one of the portraits, after that we were free to try a few things to so he had some images to choose from.  

I wasn't specifically asked for a black and white version but I thought it would provide and interesting option.   This is the resulting image.   

(John A Robb) black corporate headshot portrait white Fri, 08 Sep 2017 12:34:06 GMT
Capture Your Personality in Photographs Everyone has their thing.  For some people it's motorcycles.   Here is someone that let's his personality shine through.   He is being his authentic self and that is what is captured in this portrait.  

I was at an event photography riders and their motorcycles.  I saw this fellow and know I had to get him into the mobile studio.   After a bite to eat he came over to have his portrait taken.   This is by far one of my favourite images.   

If you have a passion why not introduce it into your portraits?   Location shoots are a great way to include parts of your life that we can't capture in the studio.    

(John A Robb) character dreads motorcycle Fri, 25 Aug 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Maternity Shoot Improvisation Lisa with her baby bump at the beach. Beach Maternity ShootLisa looking fabulous. What could be better than shooting some maternity portraits at the beach?   All you need is the dress you ordered online.  

When it comes to shooting maternity portraits one thing is certain, it won't go exactly as planned.   Women endure all kinds of changes when they become pregnant and it's not easy.   I'm not speaking from first hand experience mind you, so I have to go by what the women in my life tell me.   What I do know from personal experience is that like shooting weddings there is a lot of time pressure associated with when the shoot will happen.   Like shooting a wedding it's hard to do a reshoot if things don't go according to plan.  This is especially true when you travel two hours to get the beach location you want.  Finding time to reschedule that and do it before the baby is born can be a challenging. 

When Lisa was preparing for her shoot she felt she needed some kind of a cover-up.   An exposed baby bump wasn't really her thing.  She decided to order something online that she thought would fit her needs.   Maternity Photo Shoot with Lisa at the water's edge.  Maternity Photo Shoot with LisaMaternity Photo Shoot with Lisa at the water's edge. After packing her two kids into the van for the two hour car ride to the beach she discovered she forgot to pack the one piece of clothing she purchased specifically for this shoot.   

After announce her issue we brain stormed on what to do.    As part of my planning for this shoot I brought along some material that I was going to use for one of the pictures.  On this day that material would serve multiple uses.   The resulting image is posted here.   I've also included a picture we did a week later at another location using the dress that we didn't have the first time.  

(John A Robb) guelph maternity water Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:30:00 GMT
Dog Portraits

I specialize in people photography.   Most of the images you see on my site will include people.   As a family photographer sometimes I'm called upon to do portraits of dogs.   There is no question that it is true what they say about working with animals.   It can be a real trick to get a dog to "sit" for a portrait.   I love dogs so I like being able to capture the best image of the pooch that is sitting for me.  

Feel free to include your pet in your family portraits or arrange a special session for your fur baby.  

(John A Robb) dog family portrait Wed, 14 Jun 2017 15:30:00 GMT
What Happens When it Rains? Just because it's raining doesn't mean you have to cancel your portrait session.   With a bit of planning you can use the elements to your advantage.   

(John A Robb) cancel planning rain session Tue, 16 May 2017 18:15:00 GMT